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Near and Distance Vision Enhancement

Scottsdale, Mesa and Phoenix, Arizona patients with cataracts can now enjoy greater freedom from eyeglasses after surgery. 

If you are a prospective Arizona cataract surgery patient who would like to see close up and far away without glasses after cataract surgery, then we can help, but you will need services beyond routine cataract surgery to achieve this result. We call these additional services Near and Distance Vision Enhancement, and there are two options available:

Blended Vision (aka Mini-Monovision)

The goal of blended vision is to allow you to see without glasses at both distance and up close by setting the focus of one eye for distance and the other eye for near.  Though blended vision typically allows you to go without glasses most of the time, it is not uncommon to occasionally wear reading glasses for small print, extended reading or reading in dim light, and some patients choose to wear distance glasses for night driving. Overall, blended vision patients are usually very happy with their vision.

In order to create blended vision, it is sometimes necessary to perform additional treatment for astigmatism during cataract surgery. At other times, the vision needs to be fine-tuned with laser vision correction or other procedures a few months later.

Most people do great with blended vision. However, for those who cannot adjust to the difference between the two eyes, contact lenses or eyeglasses can be worn or vision correction surgery can be performed to reduce or eliminate the blended vision. If such a reversal procedure is performed, both eyes are then set for distance and reading glasses are used even more for near activities.

Our blended vision package is $850 per eye and, very importantly, includes PRK or LASIK touch-up, if indicated. (If you have significant astigmatism or have had previous RK, PRK or LASIK surgery, it will be higher.) 

Multifocal Lenses

Multifocal lenses are designed to help each individual eye see both near and far. As such, they allow both eyes to work together for near vision and both eyes to work together for distance vision, whereas with blended vision, one eye is doing most of the distance work, while the other eye is doing most of the near. In general terms, these lenses allow cataract surgery patients the most freedom from eyeglasses that is currently available. Most patients are able to go without glasses for nearly all daily activities, though occasional use is sometimes necessary for visually demanding tasks.

There are several multifocal lenses on the market, such as the Alcon Panoptix and Vivity,  and AMO Symfony and Synergy lenses. Our favorite is the Panoptix, because in our experience it provides the most freedom from glasses.

In order to utilize multifocal lenses, it is sometimes necessary to perform additional treatment for astigmatism during cataract surgery. At other times, the vision needs to be fine-tuned with laser vision correction or other procedures a few months later.

Our multifocal lens package is $3400 per eye and, very importantly, includes PRK or LASIK touch-up, if indicated. (If you have significant astigmatism or have had previous RK, PRK or LASIK surgery, it will be higher.)

Frequently Asked Questions About Near and Distance Enhancement

(click a question to view answer)

Why would I opt for Near and Distance Enhancement with my cataract surgery?
If you would like to be able to see up-close (reading, sewing, computer) and far away (driving, golf, TV) while using glasses as little as possible, then you may wish to enter the program.
Do I have to take part in the program?
The program is only intended for those interested in maximizing their freedom from eyeglasses. You can still have very successful cataract surgery without participating in the program.
What will my vision be like if I don't take part in the program?
You will still enjoy improved vision from your cataract surgery, but you will likely need to wear bifocal glasses to provide you with clear reading and distance vision.
How likely is it that I will be able to go without glasses?
The vast majority of Near and Distance Enhancement patients wear glasses very rarely, if at all, on a day-to-day basis. However, it is considered a normal outcome to occasionally wear glasses for visually demanding activities such as fine print or dim light.
What exactly is included in the program?
The program is tailored to your needs. Some patients require additional treatment for astigmatism at the time of the cataract operation. A substantial amount of staff time and additional measures such as dryness testing, corneal topography, wavefront analysis, corneal pachymetry, visual acuity, manifest refraction and extra postoperative visits are necessary. Some patients require a laser vision correction procedure such as PRK or LASIK shortly after their cataract operation.
Is the program covered by insurance? What are the costs?
Near and Distance Enhancement services are not covered by insurance. The costs are out-of-pocket and will be discussed in detail at the time of your evaluation. Monthly payment plans are available to help defer the cost.
Do all doctors offer this?
Only a small number of practices in the Phoenix, Arizona metropolitan area have the laser equipment and experience necessary to offer this type of program. As patients learn the benefits of these programs, it is likely that more and more practices will offer them.
Call us on (480) 661-1600